Directed by David Fincher
Produced by Armold Kopelson
Writen by Andrew Kevin Walker
Chosen sequence duration: 1:00 minute to 3minutes:32seconds
Seven (Se7en) is an American thriller film about 7 murders that correspond to the seven deadly sins. Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed and Wrath. In the opening scene we see a murder and the beginning of the investigation leading to a new mystery. This sets up the film for physiological impacting scenes.
The opening scene consists of a range of camera shots and techniques:
Close ups,
Medium shots,
Static shots,
Tracking shots,
Low angle,
Two shot,
Slow zoom in.
This creates a good opening and atmosphere for the rest of the film.

The screenshot shows a high angle shot of a woman lying in a pool of blood. She is laying face down and we cant see her face. This makes the audience wonder who she is and what has happened to her for her to be left dead like this. The lighting in this shot is very low key and there is only the slightest bit of light highlighting the womans body on the floor. The lack of light creates suspense for the audience as they are left wondering what is going to happen with her. This is an effective way of getting people to continue watching the film.

The second screenshot shows a low angle shot of a body bag being escorted out of the building by paramedics. A Policeman is guarding the area to stop people from passing through and seeing the scene. The audience doesn’t know who or why has been killed as the face of the victim is not revealed which is still adding to the suspense of the film meaning that the audience contantly has to try and make sense of the film, allowing them to have their own ideas of what is going to happen. The Mise En Scene is very significant in this scene. The weather in this shot is dull and raining which adds to the effect of this being a dark and gloomy moment of a body being found.

The third shot shows the two main characters in a low angle shot. The effect of a low angle shot could be suggesting that the two charactes have a lot of power in the film and are key to the films plot. It also suggests that they are well respected by everyone else. The costumes and characters posture suggests who has the most power of the two. Morgan Freeman's character, Detective Lt. William Summerset is assumed to have a higher status as he is wearing a smart suit rather than the casual clothes that Brad Pitts character, Detective David Mills is wearing. The way Detective Mills is standing also give the impression that Summerset has more authority. He is standing side on to Summerset with his arms crossed. This stance usually signifies defensiveness and insecurity in a person which would show he has less power.

The final screenshot shows Detective Somerset laying in bed in his appartment. The audience have been taken away from the action to this wide shot. There is low key lighting in the room and the only source of light seems to be coming from two bed lamps at either side of the bed. He is lay on one side of the bed rather than the center, which suggests that there was or is supposed to be someone at the side of him, maybe a wife. The look on his face is as though he is deep in though about something important. This could have something to do with the positioning of him in the bed and the reason for it. The camera is slowly zooming in on him, showing his emotion in more detail. It then cuts back and forth to a metronome ticking beside him.
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